(* PID controller. The generic parallel one parameterized by *)
   (* [int] and [filter] functions *)
let hybrid pid_par(int)(filter)(p, i, d, u) = c where
  rec c_p = p *. u
  and i_p = run int(i, 0.0, u)
  and c_d = run filter(d, u)
  and c = c_p +. i_p +. c_d

let hybrid pid(n)(p, i, d, u) =
  pid_par(Cint.int)(Cint.filter(n))(p, i, d, u)

(* a generic linear filter parameterized by the integration function *)
let hybrid filter(n)(int)(k, u) = udot where
   rec udot = n *. (u -. f)
   and f = run int (k, 0.0, udot)

(* a wrongly typed function *)
let hybrid pid(h)(p, i, d, u) =
  pid_par(Cint.int)(Dint.derivative(h))(p, i, d, u)