let discrete sgn(x) = if x > 0.0 then 1.0 else if x < 0.0 then -1.0 else 0.0
let discrete coulomb(gain, offset, x) = y where
rec y = sgn(x) *. (gain *. abs_float (x) +. offset)
let discrete coulomb_scalar_input(n)(gain, offset, x) = y where
g = gain *. abs_float (x)
forall i in 0 .. (n - 1), offseti in offset, yi out y do
yi = sgn(x) *. (g +. offseti)
let discrete coulomb_vectors(n)(gain, offset, x) = y where
rec forall i in 0 .. (n - 1), xi in x, offseti in offset, yi out y do
yi = sgn(xi) *. (gain *. abs_float (xi) +. offseti)
let discrete quantizer(q, u) = y where y = q *. floor(u /. q)
let saturation(upper, lower, u) = min (max lower u) upper
let node relay(son, soff, von, voff, u) = r where
rec automaton
| On -> do r = von unless (soff -. u > 0.) then Off
| Off -> do r = voff unless (u -. son > 0.) then On
let node rising x =
let rec hit = false -> if x > 0.0 then pre(x) <= 0.0 && not (pre hit)
else if x = 0.0 then pre x < 0.0 else false in
let node falling x =
let rec hit = false -> if x < 0.0 then pre x >= 0.0 && not (pre hit)
else if x = 0.0 then pre x > 0.0 else false in
let node either x =
let rec hit = false -> if x > 0.0 then pre x <= 0.0
else if x = 0.0 then pre x < 0.0
else if x < 0.0 then pre x >= 0.0
else false in
let node dead_zone(ll, ul, u) = y where
y = if u <= ll then u -. ll
else if u >= ul then u -. ul
else 0.0
let node wrap_to_zero(threshold, u) = y where
y = if u > threshold then 0.0 else u
let node backlash (width, y0, (u, u')) = y where
rec half_width = width /. 2.0
and init y = y0
and automaton
| Disengaged ->
do unless (u -. (last y +. half_width) >= 0.) then Engaged_positive
else (u -. (last y -. half_width) <= 0.) then Engaged_negative
| Engaged_positive ->
do y = u -. half_width
unless (u' < 0.) then Disengaged
| Engaged_negative ->
do y = u +. half_width
unless (u' > 0.) then Disengaged
let node memory(i, x) = i fby x