Chapter 5  zeluc

The Zélus compiler is called zeluc. Given a list of options and a filename, it transforms Zélus source code into OCaml source code.

  zeluc [option] filename

where options are:

  -v             Set verbose mode
  -version       The version of the compiler
  -I <dir>       Add <dir> to the list of include directories
  -i             Print types
  -ic            Print causality types
  -where         Locate standard libray
  -stdlib <dir>  Directory for the standard library
  -nopervasives  Do not load the pervasives module
  -typeonly      Stop after typing
  -s <node>      Simulates the node <node> and generates a file <node>.ml 
                 For hybrid programs, compile with:
                 bigarray.cma unix.cma -I +sundials sundials_cvode.cma zllib.cma
  -sampling <p>  Sets the sampling period to p (float <= 1.0)
  -check <n>     Check that the simulated node returns true for n steps
  -gtk2          Use lablgtk2 interface.
                 Compile with: -I +lablgtk2 lablgtk.cma zllibgtk.cma
  -dzero         Turn on discrete zero-crossing detection
  -nocausality   (undocumented)
  -noinit        (undocumented)
  -inline <n>    Level of inlining
  -help          Display this list of options
  --help         Display this list of options

Three kinds of arguments are accepted:

  1. Arguments ending in .zls are interpreted as Zélus source files. These files must contain sequences of node declarations. The zeluc compiler turns .zls files into a compiled interface f.zci and an OCaml file The .ml file defines the corresponding transition functions for the values defined in the input file.
  2. Arguments ending in .zli are interpreted as Zélus interface files. These files define type signatures for values implemented elsewhere. The zeluc compiler turns .zli files into a compiled interface f.zci.
  3. Arguments ending in .mli are interpreted as OCaml interface files. The zeluc compiler turns .mli files into a compiled interface f.zci. The values defined in f.mli are considered to be a scalars.


The distribution and manual are available at


/usr/local/bin/zelucthe compiler
/usr/local/lib/zelucthe standard library